Feedback Wanted!

We've created first prototypes for 2 new characters. 

They're apart of the more extreme body types we wanted to add to the game. These 2 sisters are staying in the bath house together and they're named Beccy(blonde) and Delilah(black).

These two will probably not get any real scenes in the game for quite some time but I'm thinking we could show them and get some feedback on what you guys think because now would be the time to change them.

Tell us what you think in the feedback channel on discord or post down in the comments
Any and all feedback is wanted!

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I hate to admit it, but im drooling over Delilah LOL


I think these will be great addition and if you'd like I can also assist in spitballing new ideas for girls and helping with some writing swell 

Hey join the discord! if you ever got some quick feedback or easily implemented ideas please share them there one of us is usually always online :D

The link isnt working for the discord

I fixed it now, sorry about that!

(1 edit) (+2)

I think they will be a great addition to the game. It adds more diversity so everyone  can have a favorite girl. Differing body types makes the world feel more real, (even in erotic games). I hope its decided that they will be fully added.

Are you team buck teeth on the emo girl or team no buck teeth?


I'd prefer no buck teeth myself, but i wouldn't be disappointed if the community as a whole chose buck teeth.


All I can say is that they look perfect but what I do recommend you add to the game is also a testing haul/developer room in the our player home allowing us to see concept art and other things while in game and also change aspects of the game itself while we play it in the way that all of the changes get applied is when we leave our character home like if we wanted to change the time from night today we could do that in our house or if we want to change the relationship status we have with another character we could make it stronger or weaker for those who end up messing up with the game acting as a sort of a soft lock reset button on characters that were stuck on it could also be used to give us more advantages in the game or we could set it to make it harder for ourselves