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I hope you could add more scenes with the glory hole, and some anal scenes, 9/10 and I have a little problem with the textures the become black on the animations

There's a new gloryhole scene coming now inn0.6. The black stuff around the animations will get fixed now that were adding the correct backgrounds.

Hey i like the game and i cant find android at that time soo i Was playing from web and then found out the android link now i finished the game and i export the saves so i want to get it to my app but it says sync id i cant find it in saves theres a sync folder but it doesnt give me any code how i can find the sync id


Where is the screwdriver

Go to Daniel.

Best game so far! the story is awesome; the start was over all the best I've seen and it makes sense, The character designs are awesome and blend in with their outfits. overall, this game is a big 8/10. i hope you continue this game!

what do I do now it says nothing available in this version? for all 5 of them or 6 


Then there's nothing left to do in that version!


When will you release the free updates? :c i need that shi sooo bad 😭

Please let me join discord my name is yolol7175 doesn't let me join says link is invalid 


doesn't work still says "the invite link is invalid or has expired" 

Won't let me join the discord


I know this is gonna sound a little bit mean and harsh but have you considered hiring another arrtist? in my personal opinion the artstyle in some scenes is amazing but in others the quality just drops to the nether, for exaple the scene in the yoga place when the protagonist does yoga with his mom, he gets a boner and tries to hide it, the anatomy in general is butched, it doesnt look pleasing nor good in any way. I know those may be placeholders but please consider changing them for a better visual experience
Again, just my opinion and a recomendation, amazing game <3


Thanks for the feedback!
The yoga scenes will be updated in not too long. We're trying to reach the end of the demo which should be real soon, after that we will pause the story and  polish the game more. We know there's a lot of flaws in the game but to get more content in some updates we've just said "Fuck it! onto the next scene, we will fix this later." Yoga scenes were definitely one of those times. We will also be be remaking MC (We've dreaded this for a long time) sprite to be in proportion with the other characters, He is currently like 3 times the height of everyone else and we've had to pull him down in all the scenes, also his eyes look straight into the void in every scene.

In the coming updates you'll see a mix of 4 different BG styles that don't go together either but we're also working on this with new BG artists.

Don't you worry, Everything's coming together even though it's hard to see that from the outside right now!

Omg thank you for replying and for taking the time to read our suggestions, it really says a lot, I'm expecting the next update with excitement!

When will the new update v0.5 be released please reply, I will die of curiosity

I'm stuck and i don't know what to do

I think you should go to where Emily and Daniel are, talk to Emily first and then press the ladder to help Daniel get down from the roof. 

I already do it

this game is extraordinary


How do I make the tea

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Im stuck here what i have to do

(1 edit)

When will the next update be? (Its fine if you dont have a actual date im just curious)

There is an update, it is on the subscribestar website

Solo espero que sigan con el juego, en las las actu en android

thanks for the answer!

hello! has sex in the pool from the screenshots already been carried out, or is it only in the plans?

no sex in the pool in the game yet, but there's a lot of it planned

when ios ver gonna drop?

Hola, no es ntr verdad? En verdad no me gusta eso y no me lo quiero encontrar. 


hola, el arte es humano o IA?

(1 edit)

ESP: Parece que el arte de fondo es IA, no estoy seguro si el resto lo es

ENG: It looks like the background art is AI, not sure if the rest is 


1) The moment we get a photo of Emily in the bushes, is there a storyline? If there is one, where should I go?

2) Will the other rooms be used? Massage table, cafeteria, etc.?

3) Is there a window peeping plot at the moment?

4) How to get art with Emily standing at the hole in the wall?

5) When to expect a threesome?

Don't wanna spoil too much.
1. There's no story about that in the game yet but we got something planned for that
2. The other rooms will be used, Massage/Nail is planned for part 2 of the game currently
3. There's a window peeping moment we have planned, cool that you found that! but yeah no real plot currently
4. In the version we're working on now we're adding a gallery
5. I don't wanna spoil this, but I've previously mentioned it'll turn into a harem

Would it be possible to get at least a scene or small path with further temporary growth or cum inflation? Game is amazing so far, just selfishly looking for what appeals to me lol


When will this game get updated?


Is there a new animation? If there is one, how do you get it :v 

Hey, nice art! Any chance for belly bulge animations from penetration


We're working on one right now! :D

Deleted post

So i have all 3 flowers and the hot sauce, i've tried going to the yoga house and my game just gets error'd. Any work arounds?

Not sure why this happens, if you're able to download it for pc you can try that

How, I've started the quest, but when I try to talk to Lisa it just say help her not asking about it


where is Emily at is just says shes probably working outside somewhere but I cant find her everyone else says the is no more content is this versio

(1 edit) (+1)

I think this is a bug in 0.4, when you finished everything the guide says that. If you've seen the Emily and Emma butt fight you've seen all of Emily

Is there Arabic language in this game? I know it's hard as hell but it's just a question.

So uh, can we surely go back to the old kitchen. That looked way nicer.

Working with background artists now. Kitchen will be changed to be less empty and less depressing

It would be nice if the scenes were animated like the first scene with the mother...those are worth it


What should I do if I can't Emily in the bushes? :_(

Help! V.0.41 doesn't start any ideas?

even tho i have all ingridients for the tea (roses from daniels room, Lavender from outside the temple and hot sauce from the mom)

 i still cant make the tea..

You need to get something else, forgot what it’s called but it’s at the showers near Daniels Room

steam not possible in germany =(


Is Itch possible? We will release the game in early access here too!


How to open the locked door in the barn? Please don't tell me its in the next update...


How do you get lavender and jasmin? I cant ask lisa


If still looking for the ingredients lavender is in mediation road bottom left, and check showers for Jasmine.

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